Getting Paid

How Much Will I Earn?

All jobs are priced per audio minute. For transcription jobs, the pay ranges from $0.25/min for entry-level work to as high as $1.00/min for jobs requiring more experience. Captioning jobs pay between $.30/min and $1.00/min. Review jobs range from $0.20/min for entry-level work, up to $1.00/min for premium captions review. Please keep in mind that review jobs are made available by invitation only for workers who have consistently produced high-quality transcripts and/or captions.

How much you earn per hour depends on how fast you are able to transcribe. An experienced transcriptionist could typically finish 15 to 20 audio minutes per elapsed hour. An experienced reviewer should be able to finish 40 minutes of review work per elapsed hour.


You might also receive bonuses for jobs you’ve done that our customers rated highly. We generally bonus someone if the customer rated the job 5 out of 5. We’ll look at the original work (transcription job) and the final copy (review job) and decide who deserves the bonus.

Approval Process

After you submit a transcription job, it will need to be reviewed by another one of our qualified workers. That’s what’s called a “review job.” Depending on the turnaround time that the customer ordered, review jobs might happen the same day, or they could take up to a week. Once your work is approved, it will be eligible for payment in the next payment cycle. Visit How It Works to learn more about the approval process.

How Do I Get Paid?

We pay workers in U.S. dollars through PayPal. If you don’t already have a PayPal account, it’s free, quick and easy to set one up. The email address you provide when signing up for a Speechpad worker account is the one we’ll use for PayPal as well. If you have a different PayPal email address you can change it once you’re signed in. We do not allow workers to share PayPal accounts.

Payments happen automatically. There is no need for you to generate an invoice and send it to us. Our system keeps track of all of your work, and you can access your work history any time you are signed in.

We don’t deduct any payment processing fees. You get 100% of what you earn on our system.

How Often Will I Get Paid?

We pay workers every Tuesday and Friday. Although the payments are not always made at the exact same time, they are generally made in the mornings. Each payment includes all jobs submitted and approved since the previous payment.

How Are Taxes Handled?


All workers at are independent contractors. Therefore, no taxes are withheld from your earnings. You are responsible for declaring your income from on your tax return.


Per IRS regulations, Speechpad is not required to send 1099 forms to independent contractors that were paid via an electronic payment processing service such as PayPal. That is the case even if the contractors were paid more than $600 per year. The normal threshold for when 1099-MISC forms are required is when an entity has paid the recipient a total of $600 during the calendar year. That threshold does not apply when payments are made through electronic payment processing services. Instead, electronic payment providers (e.g. PayPal) are required to handle any required reporting.
Those companies are required under certain circumstances to send out a different version of the 1099, called the 1099-K, instead.

More Info

We are not tax professionals and are not qualified to offer any tax advice to you. We suggest that you contact a tax accountant. If you’d like to do some additional research on your own, here are some helpful links.

More information regarding 1099-K statements from PayPal:

Information from the IRS: