Artificial Intelligence Vs. Humans

By: Daniela Reeve

It’s no secret that AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is taking over. No worries though, it isn’t at “someone call Will Smith” level. Artificial Intelligence, like humans, is constantly evolving to best suit needs, wants and demands. We can, and must, evolve along with it to reach new levels that those before us never thought possible.

…but go ahead and call him anyway, because who doesn’t want to hang out with Will Smith.

Recently, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, admitted that he didn’t see this great upsurge in AI coming as quickly as it did, stating, “The revolution in deep nets is very profound, it definitely surprised me, even though I was sitting right there.” Although we may not know the limits of AI, we need not be afraid of the possibilities. Rather, we should embrace the potential.

Can You Complete Your Daily Tasks Without Tech?

Without technology of some sort, the majority of us would not be able to complete our daily tasks, even the most minute. Sure we know about cell phones and such, but what about the video conferencing at work, or the reclining chair you lounge in when you get home? And honestly, when was the last time you had to use a crank to roll down your car window, remember those? That’s why the embracing of Artificial Intelligence can only propel our creativity and enable us to grow as individuals and businesses because the human is the ultimate power behind the machine. When paired together, we know no limits.

While computer generated voice to text can certainly be helpful to those in a pinch, humans are the factor that can separate the little nuances and expression in speech that a computer simply can not. We’ve all been more than entertained by Google Voice fails and autocorrect, but it isn’t funny when you need to submit an article, or an earnings call, etc. and you’re spending hours correcting mistakes that your voice to text software has made. Or even worse, you hand in the transcript that is littered with basic errors that only a human may be able to notice. Ouch.

These humans, like those we have on the Speechpad team, can use logic and basic human nature to determine what is actually being said and apply that to your transcript or caption. Uploading your files and allowing the Speechpad team to do your work for you will save you time and quite possibly, a migraine…but you may miss out on a few laughs.